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Michael Knowles TEARS DOWN transgenderism #shorts
Transgenderism Is False for Kids AND Adults
Michael Knowles SHUTS DOWN Woke Students With The Facts
Michael Knowles DEBATES Viral Pro-Choice Activist | Bronte Remsik
RETWEET: Michael Knowles TEARS INTO the Left over their racism & bigotry
Rep. Ocasio-Cortez told to give translation after speaking Spanish in Congress | USA TODAY #Shorts
Pro-Abortion Student OWNS Herself During Michael Knowles' Debate
EMOTIONAL Detransition Video Reaction
#GOP lawmaker asks inappropriate question to #trans female
Michael Knowles REJECTS Student's Baseless Claims About the Brains of Transgendered People
Michael Knowles TRIGGERS Woke Feminist Who Calls Mom's "Pregnant People"
Based Man DROPS FACTS To Woke Lady Who Claims Men Can Menstruate